martes, agosto 28, 2018

Post 2:



Definition: A hollow place or structure that a bird makes 
or chooses for laying its eggs in and sheltering its young

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Sentence: In my garden are nests and in the spring are many birds in there.

2.-Unhappy: Triste
Definition: Not happy; sad
Resultado de imagen para triste tumblr chico
SentenceI have not had a good day I feel unhappy


Definition: Able to make sensible decisions and give good 
advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have
Resultado de imagen para viejo sabio dibujo
Sentence: He gave me many tips because he was very wise.

4.-Whispers: Susurro
Definition: To speak very quietly to somebody so that other people 
cannot hear what you are saying.
Resultado de imagen para chica contrael viento tumblr
SentenceThe wind whispered in my ear

5.-Suffering: Sufrimiento
Definition: Physical or mental pain.
Resultado de imagen para corazon roto tumblr
SentenceMy heart has gone through a lot of suffering.

6.-Sunbeam: Rayo de sol
Definition: A stream of light from the sun.
Imagen relacionada
Sentence: In the morning a sunbeam wake me up.

7.-Sundial: Reloj de sol
Definition:A device used outdoors, especially in the past, for telling the time when the sun is shining. A pointed piece of metal throws a shadow on a flat surface that is marked with the hours like a clock, and the shadow moves around as the sun moves across the sky.
Resultado de imagen para reloj de sol
Sentence: In my city there is a sundial in the middle of a square.

8.-Branch: Rama
Definition: A part of a tree that grows out from the main stem and on which leaves, flowers and fruit grow.
Resultado de imagen para pajaro en una rama gif
Sentence: A bird perched on a branch near my window

9.- Oak: Roble
Definition: A large tree that produces small nuts called acorns. Oaks are common in northern countries and can live to be hundreds of years old.
Imagen relacionada
 Sentence: Yesterday I saw in an oak a very cute squirrel.

10.-Lonely: Solitario
Definition: Unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to.
Resultado de imagen para chico solo tumblr
Sentence: That boy is very lonely, I never see him with people.

Post 1:

Resultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosa
Resultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosa
Summary of " The Nightingale and The Rose"
The story begins with a student that wanted to dance with the daugther of the professor, but she put a condition, the student should give her a red rose, however the student didn't have a red rose in his garden and he started to cry, the Nightingale saw the student and listened the situation, so she decided to help him. The nightingale searched in the garden a red rose, but all were white or yellow. Finally she came to a rose tree near the student's window and asked him if his roses are red, the  rose tree told her that his roses are red but the winter was very cold and could not have roses, although there was a way to get a red rose, the Nightingale should give her life and sing all night with a thorn buried in the heart. The Nightingale accepted and did the sacrifice, in the morning the student saw the rose and ran to the house of the girl with the red rose, but she reject it because the rose did not match with her dress and the student threw the rose to the street disillusioned of the love.
Resultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosaResultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosaResultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosa

Resultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosa

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Resultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosaImagen relacionada
2nd Semester