lunes, abril 23, 2018

Talking about books

  • What is your favorite story? My favorite story is "multiverse".
  • Who is your favorite author? My favorite author is Max Rhode.
  • Who is your favorite character? I don´t have a favorite character
  • What is your favorite genre? My favorite genre is mystery
  • What is the longest book you have ever read?How long did it take you to read it? The longest book I've read had 500 pages, it took a couple of months.
  • How many hours do you spend reading in a week? Lately I could not read anything.
  • Do you have any ideas for a story for you to write? Which one? I don´t have anything planned.
  • Do you read books based on recommendations? I prefer to discover books by myself.
  • What are some of the books that were recommended to you? I have been told about fantasy books.
  • Were you ever given a bad recommendation? I have never been given a bad recommendation
  • What books have you recommended for other people? I have recommended science fiction books.
  • How often do you go to the library? I like to go often to see the new books.
  • How important is the cover of the book? The cover is important, because it helps me decide whether to buy it or not.
  • Do you watch the movie that came from a book? Of course it is entertaining.
  • Most people say the book is better than the movie. Is this true for you? Yes, because in the book are more details.
  • Is there a book that you have read more than once? Yes, one of the school
  • What was the title? The title are " De cavernícola a cristiano" 
  • How many times did you read it? I read it about 5 times.
  • Is there a book you just couldn't finish? I never left a half-read book.
  • What was the title? I never left a half-read book.
  • What is your favorite time of day for reading? I like reading in the night.
  • Where is your favorite place to read? My favorite place is in my bed.
  • Do you listen to music while you read? Not, because I deconcentrate from reading.
  • Do you often read book before going to bed? I usually do that.
  • What was the last book that you read? The last book I read was "utopia".
  • What is your favorite book of all time? My favorite book of all time is "strangers".
  • Who is a famous writer from your country? A famous writer of Chile is Marcela Paz.
  • What genre of book do you enjoy most? It was mystery
  • Have you ever tried to read a book in English? I want to try it soon.
  • Do you think that it is more valuable to read a book than to watch television? I think a book is better because you imagine a new world in your head
  • Have you ever lent books to your friends and never got them back? How did you feel? I recently noticed that I was missing a book on my shelf, I do not remember who lends it, but it feels horrible not to see it there
  • Do you think that the internet and television will eventually make books obsolete? I do not believe that because there are always people who like to read on paper.

martes, abril 10, 2018


1.-Little Red Riding Hood: 
Resultado de imagen para caperucita roja
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Little Red Riding Hood that lived in a house in the forest. Her mother told her to carry medicines to her grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood walked through the forest and she met the wolf. The wolf wanted to eat her so he came up with a plan. Little Red Riding Hood arrived to the grandmother house. The wolf had locked up grandma and had dressed like her. He attempt to deceive her, but she ran away for help and speaked with a woodcutter that rescued the grandma and killed the wolf.                                             
                                                                              The End.

2.-The Cat With Boots:
Imagen relacionada

Once upon a time a son of a miller inherited a cat, the cat he asked for a hat and boots. With his ingenuity he managed that the king thought that his master was a marquis. One day the cat told him that was thrown into the river in the morning, later the king passed by the river and the cat said that his master had been assaulted and robbed of his clothes, that's why he was in the river hiding. The king sympathized with him and took him to the palace, then the boy married with the princess and became a king.

                                                            The End
3.-Hansel y Gretel

Resultado de imagen para hansel y gretelIt was once a marriage that had two children: Hansel and Gretel. Being so poor they decided to leave their children near the city so that someone would find them and help them. Hansel and Gretel tried to return to their home, but they got lost in the forest and found a house made of candies where an old woman lived who locked them in her house to make them work. Gretel pushed the witch into a giant oven and died, then they looked for food but they found many jewels, Hansel and Gretel escaped and managed to return home.

 The End.

4.-Hamelin's futist

Resultado de imagen para el flautista de hamelinThe city of Hamelin was infested with rats and everyone made big promises to a flutist who offered to free them from them. He played the flute and all the rats followed him until he died in the river. But when the flute player returned to collect his money, the promised thing seemed a lot to them, and they refused to pay him. Then the flute player played his flute again, and this time the children followed him to a large cave in a mountain, from which they never returned.

                                                           The End.

5.-The ugly Duckling
Resultado de imagen para el patito feoOne duck has several ducklings, but one of them is much uglier, coarse and clumsy than the rest, so they all turn their backs and make fun of him. The duckling decides to flee from there and faces alone and sad to the problems of winter. When spring arrives, he finds a group of swans that, to his surprise, are kind to him. These make him see his reflection in the pond, and thus discover that in reality he was a beautiful swan and not an ungainly duck.
                                                        The End.

6.-The three Little Pigs
Resultado de imagen para los tres cerditosThree little pigs make their houses, but to working less and play more, the first two are made of straw and wood, while the older one tries working harder and he makes it of brick. When the ferocious wolf arrives, blowing blows the houses of the first and then the second, which take refuge in the third. As he can not throw away the last house, he tries to enter through the chimney, but the little pigs prepare a cauldron and the wolf flees burned.

Imagen relacionadaTheEnd.

7.-The lead soldier
A mutilated lead soldier falls in love with a dancer. After going through many misfortunes; the devil of the surprise box, of sailor through the sewers, he eats a fish ... in the end, thanks to his determination and his willpower, he manages to be united to his dancer, since due to a fortuitous fall in the fire in the fireplace of the house, its pedestals will melt and unite forever forming a beautiful heart.
The End.

8.-The brave little tailor
Resultado de imagen para el sastrecillo valienteAfter killing 7 flies in one fell swoop, a small tailor felt very proud and let everyone know he had killed "7 at a blow". Thinking they would be people, people began to believe that he was a great warrior. Taking advantage of his wit, he managed to impress first a giant and his friends, and then the king himself, who, with great promises, subjected him to various tests to rid the kingdom of two giants, a unicorn and a boar. The little tailor surpassed them all thanks to his ingenuity, which confirmed to everyone that he was a fearsome warrior. And in this way, he got half the kingdom and the hand of the princess.

The End.

Resultado de imagen para pedro y el lobo9.-The little shepherd and the wolf
It was once a little shepherd who took care of his sheep in a meadow, he wanted to make a joke in his village and shouted "help, the wolf comes", but it was a lie. The shepherd made the joke so many times that when the wolf appeared nobody believed him and he ate all his sheep.
The End.

10.-The little Mermaid
Resultado de imagen para la sirenita
It was once in the underwater kingdom of sirens where the little mermaid lived, daughter of the king triton, she was very curious and wanted to see the human world, once she saw a young man and fell in love with him, she wanted to be with him so she went where A witch in order to change her tail for legs, the witch in exchange took away her voice, but what little mermaid did not know, was that the witch wanted to marry the young man posing as a little mermaid, but the king triton inpid him and final little mermaids married the young man.
The End.

Cinderella´s Persona Poem


Beautiful, friendly,gentle.kind.
Daughter of a loving father.
Who loves animals,her father and the prince.
Who is afraid of midnight, her stepmother and stepsisters.
Who wants to see the prince in the ball, her father again and her lost glass slipper.
Resident of a magic world.
Imagen relacionada

martes, abril 03, 2018

Persona Poem

Doughter of a loving mother
Who loves travel, her family and her pets
Who is afraid of the darkness, get lost in the street and not study before a test.
Who wants to see new places, new cultures and get scored in her PSU test 
Resident of a real world.
Imagen relacionada