martes, noviembre 21, 2017


Noah had a wife and three children. God told Noah to make an ark because there would be a great flood that was going to destroy the world. Noah and his children obeyed God and built him. But other people just laughed. God told Noah to put two animals of each kind of species, male and female. The flood came and Noah and his family were saved.
Resultado de imagen para noe

sábado, noviembre 18, 2017

Write Haiku Poems

Haiku Poems: Haiku is a poetic genre of Japanese origin. The haikus are written, according to tradition, in three verses without rhyme, of 5, 7 and 5 syllables

A flower a sky
the sun illuminates them
finally it's spring
Resultado de imagen para flores

So free and so pure
water of life, quiet and safe
it flows like my soul
Resultado de imagen para cascada

Activity 6: Video

Answer these questions:
a) Did you understand the video?
I can understand a little

b) What does the video say about "greed"?
That the greed to consume is in our nature

c) What are the disadvantages of being poor and uneducated according to the video?
The disadvantage of not having education is that it is easier to be fooled

d) Write three ideas of why it is important to have an education.
It is important because with this we can communicate with others, we can avoid being deceived and allows us to defend ourselves without the need of violence.

One Book That I Like

One book that I like very much is "The Little Prince" by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry

Antoine De Saint-Exupéry

He was an aviator. His experiences as a pilot were often his source of inspiration as a writer.

The story tells the adventures of a child, who comes from a distant planet. When he reaches the earth he finds an aviator abandoned in the middle of the immense Sahara desert because his plane had suffered a mechanical failure. The little prince tells the aviator his adventures.


The Little Prince:
  • Physical: Blond hair and blue eyes
  • Psychological: Cheerful and curious

The aviator:
  • Physical: Adult and tall
  • Psychological: Fearful and incredulous

  • Other Planets
  • Asteroid B612
  • Sahara Desert
One of the teachings that the book leaves us is “The essential is invisible to the eyes“
It shows us that the value of life is not touched or measured, not paid with money.

•Did you liked the book? Why?
Yes, because the teachings that the book gives us help us to be better people.

•What was your favorite part of the book and why?
My favorite part is went the little prince known the fox, because I liked the way the fox taught friendship to the little prince.

miércoles, noviembre 15, 2017

Unit 4 Literature

Activity 1: Write a brief definition for "Literature

Literature: Is the "art of verbal expression", therefore, it covers as much written texts, as spoken or sung.

Activity 2: Write the names of two Chilean writers. Include two pictures.

Roberto Bolaño
Imagen relacionada

Manuel Rojas
Resultado de imagen para manuel rojas

Activity 3: Write the names of two English writers. Include two pictures.
Charles Dickens
Resultado de imagen para Charles Dickens.

Oscar Wilde
Imagen relacionada

Activity 4: Write a Vocabulary list of 15 words related to Literature.
1.-Letters: Letras
2.-Writers: Escritores
3.-Books: Libros
4.-Poems: Poemas
5.-Chapters: Capitulo
6.-Paragraphs: Párrafos
7.-Dialogue: Dialogo
8.-Protagonist: Protagonista
9.-Antagonist: Antagonista
10.-Pages: Paginas
11.-Story: Cuento
12.-Author: Autor
13.-Verses: Versos
14.-Prose: Prosa
15.-Expression: Expresión

miércoles, noviembre 08, 2017

Videos about health

Video 1: 7Tips:

1.-Cut Out Processed Foods.
2.-Replace soda with tea or carbonated water.
3.-Drink water. Half of your bodyweight in ounces per day.
4.-Spend time with yourself.
5.-Plan your workout the night before and set out your clothes.
6.-Get a good night´s rest.
7.-Get moving by doing something you actually enjoy.

My tip: See the doctor regularly

Video 2

1. What is the name of the recipe?
Fresh Salsa

2. What are the ingredients?
-Jalapeño pepper
-Green Pepper
-1/4 purple onion

3. Write the steps to make the fresh salsa.

-Get the ingredients in the supermarket
-Use a blender.
-Chop the cilantro and put it in the blender
-Chop the garlic and put it in the blender
-Now Cut, slice and chop the green pepper and add it to the blender
-Chop the jalapeño pepper and add it to the blender
-Chop the onion and put it in the blender
-Chop the tomato and put it in the blender
-Cut the lime into wedges and squeeze the lime into the salsa
-Add some black pepper and some salt
-Blend it 
-Finally serve and eat with tortilla chips