sábado, junio 24, 2017

A Song: Scars To Your Beautiful

Name Of The Song: Scars To Your Beautiful

1.-Presentation of the song:
I loved listening to a cover of a song although I did not understand the lyrics and I only listened to the voices of the singers, one day I found the original song and look for lyrics, this song is called "Scar To Your Beautiful", this song is current and it talks about The complexes of women today.

2.-Biogrphy of the singer:
Alessia Caracciolo better known as Alessia Cara is a Canadian singer and songwriter, her singing style has been called "the soul of blue eyes, so soft with a silky voice"; It has also been compared to artists like Farrah Franklin, Adina Howard and Norah Jones. She is known for song "Here".

3.-Reasons why I like this song:
Some of the reasons why I like this song is:
First I like it because it talks about the natural beauty of the woman.
Second, it makes me feel happy with my body.
Third, when I listen to this song I feel motivated.
Finally all the girls should listen to this song once in their life.

4.- Vocabulary:
  • Sculptor: Escultor.
  • The sculptor carves on a stone.

  • Stars: Estrellas.
  • The stars shine in the sky.
Resultado de imagen para estrellas gif
  • Scars: Cicatrices.
  • I have scars on my knees.
Imagen relacionada

  • Face: Cara.
  • In her face always has a smile.
Resultado de imagen para cara de chica sonriendo

  • Dreams: Sueños.
  • She always has dreams about fairies.
Imagen relacionada

  • Mirror: Espejo.
  • She looks in the mirror.
Imagen relacionada

5.-Lyrics of the song in English and Spanish:

Scars To Your Beautiful
(Cicatrices para tu belleza)

She just wants to be beautiful,
(Ella solo quiere ser hermosa,)
She goes unnoticed, she knows no limits.
(pasa desapercibida, no conoce límites.)
She craves attention, she praises an image,
(Ella ansía la atención, alaba una imagen,)
She prays to be sculpted by the sculptor.
(ruega ser esculpida por el escultor.)
Oh, she don't see the light that's shining
(Oh, ella no ve la luz que está brillando)
Deeper than the eyes can find it.
(más profundamente de lo que los ojos pueden ver.)
Maybe we have made her blind,
(Tal ves la hayamos cegado,)
So she tries to cover up her pain and cut her woes away,
(así que intenta ocultar su dolor y librarse de sus problemas,)
Because covergirls don't cry
(Porque las chicas de portada de revistas no lloran)
After their face is made.
(una ves que les hacen la cara.)

There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark,
(Hay una esperanza que te espera en la oscuridad,)
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
(deberías saber que eres hermosa tal como eres.)
And you don't have to change a thing
(Y tú no tienes que cambiar nada,)
The world could change its heart
(es el mundo el que podría cambiar de actitud.)
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars
(No hay cicatrices para tu belleza, somos estrellas)
And we're beautiful
(y somos hermosas.)

And you don't have to change a thing
(Y tú no tienes que cambiar nada,)
The world could change its heart
(es el mundo el que podría cambiar de actitud.)
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars
(No hay cicatrices para tu belleza, somos estrellas)
And we're beautiful
(y somos hermosas.)

She has dreams to be an envy, so she's starving
(Ella tiene sueños de ser envidiada, por eso se mata de hambre,)
You know, covergirls eat nothing
(¿Sabes?, las chicas de portadas de revistas no comen nada.)
She says "beauty is pain and there's beauty in everything"
(Ella dice: "La belleza es dolor, y hay belleza en todo")
"What's a little bit of hunger?"
("¿Qué es un poquito más de hambre?")
"I can go a little while longer"
("Puedo aguantar un poco más")
She fades away, she don't see her perfect
(Ella se desvanece, no se ve perfecta)
She don't understand she's worth it
(no entiende que ella merece la pena,)
Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface.
(o que la belleza va más profundo que la superficie.)
So to all the girls that's hurting
(Así que, para todas las chicas  a las que les duele,)
Let me be your mirror
(déjenme ser su espejo,)
Help you see a little bit clearer
(ayudarlas a ver con un poco más de claridad)
The light that shines within
(la luz que brilla en  su interior)

But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark,
(Pero hay una esperanza que te espera en la oscuridad,)
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
(deberías saber que eres hermosa tal como eres.)
And you don't have to change a thing
(Y tú no tienes que cambiar nada,)
The world could change its heart
(es el mundo el que podría cambiar de actitud.)
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars
(No hay cicatrices para tu belleza, somos estrellas)
And we're beautiful
(y somos hermosas.)

And you don't have to change a thing
(Y tú no tienes que cambiar nada,)
The world could change its heart
(es el mundo el que podría cambiar de actitud.)
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars
(No hay cicatrices para tu belleza, somos estrellas)
And we're beautiful
(y somos hermosas.)

No better you than the you that you are
-No better you than the you that you are-
(No hay mejor tú que el tú que tú eres)
No better life than the life we're living
-No better life than the life we're living-
(No hay mejor vida que la vida que estamos viviendo)
No better time for your shine, you're a star
-No better time for your shine, you're a star-
(No hay mejor momento para que brilles, eres una estrella)
Oh, you're beautiful, oh, you're beautiful
(Oh, eres hermosa, Oh, eres hermosa)

And you don't have to change a thing
(Y tú no tienes que cambiar nada,)
The world could change its heart
(es el mundo el que podría cambiar de actitud.)
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars
(No hay cicatrices para tu belleza, somos estrellas)
And we're beautiful
(y somos hermosas.)

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