martes, mayo 22, 2018

The Story of Baby Jesus

A long time, in the town of  Nazareth, liveda young woman named Mary. She was going to marry with Josheph.

One day, while Mary was at home cleaning her room, an angel suddenly appeared. 

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The angel said:" You will have a baby boy, and you are to give him the named Jesus". Mary was confused; She was not yet married to Joseph, but she was going to have a baby? The angel said: " Nothing is impossibe with God". The angel had more news:"Even your cousin Elizabeth is going to have a son in her old age". She finally said:" I am the Lord's servant, and I hope everythink you have said will come true". Then the angel disappeared.
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When Josepth found out that Mary was pregnant he was confused and upset, but angel came to him in a dream and said. " Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. The child Mary is going to have is God's son, and yu are to give him the named of Jesus "After that Josepth knew that everything was okay.
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Joseph had to take Mary to his town of Bethlehem. I took them a long time to get to Bethlehem, this was very tiring for Mary because she was soon going to have a baby.

Imagen relacionadaWhen they reached the town, there was nowhere to stay but someone felt bad for them and offered them a place to stay.
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The Bible doesn't say where they stayed but most people think thet they stayed in a small barn where animals were kept.

That nigth and exciting thing happened: Mary had a baby! But this wasn't just any baby, he was baby Jesus, the creator of the world. the King of Kings, and the one who would save the world.

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