domingo, septiembre 02, 2018

Post 6:

Answer some questions about your book:

1: How does the story begin?
The story begins with a student that wants to dance  with the daughter of the professor, but he can't unless he gives her a red rose.

2: How does the story end?
The story end with the dead nightingale and the student without believing in love

3: Did you like the story or not? Why?
I liked this story because, although it's sad, leaves a nice message 

4: Which is your favorite part of the story you read?
My favorite part is when the nightingale sing all the night.

5: Who is your favorite character and why?
My favorite character is the nightingale because he gave his life for a noble cause

Post 5:

Biography of Oscar Wilde:
Born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin, author, playwright and poet Oscar Wilde was a popular literary figure in late Victorian England, known for his brilliant wit, flamboyant style and infamous imprisonment for homosexuality. After graduating from Oxford University, he lectured as a poet, art critic and a leading proponent of the principles of aestheticism. In 1891, he published The Picture of Dorian Gray, his only novel which was panned as immoral by Victorian critics, but is now considered one of his most notable works. As a dramatist, many of Wilde’s plays were well received including his satirical comedies Lady Windermere's Fan (1892), A Woman of No Importance (1893), An Ideal Husband (1895) and The Importance of Being Earnest (1895), his most famous play. Unconventional in his writing and life, Wilde’s affair with a young man led to his arrest on charges of "gross indecency" in 1895. He was imprisoned for two years and died in poverty three years after his release at the age of 46.
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Post 4:

Lesson: I learned that feelings are more important than material

Post 3:


  • Psychologically: Empathic and kind
  • Physically: Covered with feathers and small
Resultado de imagen para ruiseñor

The daughter of  the professor:
  • Psychologically: Ungrateful and materialistic
  • Physically: Beautiful
Resultado de imagen para chica edad media hermosa

martes, agosto 28, 2018

Post 2:



Definition: A hollow place or structure that a bird makes 
or chooses for laying its eggs in and sheltering its young

Imagen relacionada
Sentence: In my garden are nests and in the spring are many birds in there.

2.-Unhappy: Triste
Definition: Not happy; sad
Resultado de imagen para triste tumblr chico
SentenceI have not had a good day I feel unhappy


Definition: Able to make sensible decisions and give good 
advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have
Resultado de imagen para viejo sabio dibujo
Sentence: He gave me many tips because he was very wise.

4.-Whispers: Susurro
Definition: To speak very quietly to somebody so that other people 
cannot hear what you are saying.
Resultado de imagen para chica contrael viento tumblr
SentenceThe wind whispered in my ear

5.-Suffering: Sufrimiento
Definition: Physical or mental pain.
Resultado de imagen para corazon roto tumblr
SentenceMy heart has gone through a lot of suffering.

6.-Sunbeam: Rayo de sol
Definition: A stream of light from the sun.
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Sentence: In the morning a sunbeam wake me up.

7.-Sundial: Reloj de sol
Definition:A device used outdoors, especially in the past, for telling the time when the sun is shining. A pointed piece of metal throws a shadow on a flat surface that is marked with the hours like a clock, and the shadow moves around as the sun moves across the sky.
Resultado de imagen para reloj de sol
Sentence: In my city there is a sundial in the middle of a square.

8.-Branch: Rama
Definition: A part of a tree that grows out from the main stem and on which leaves, flowers and fruit grow.
Resultado de imagen para pajaro en una rama gif
Sentence: A bird perched on a branch near my window

9.- Oak: Roble
Definition: A large tree that produces small nuts called acorns. Oaks are common in northern countries and can live to be hundreds of years old.
Imagen relacionada
 Sentence: Yesterday I saw in an oak a very cute squirrel.

10.-Lonely: Solitario
Definition: Unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to.
Resultado de imagen para chico solo tumblr
Sentence: That boy is very lonely, I never see him with people.

Post 1:

Resultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosa
Resultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosa
Summary of " The Nightingale and The Rose"
The story begins with a student that wanted to dance with the daugther of the professor, but she put a condition, the student should give her a red rose, however the student didn't have a red rose in his garden and he started to cry, the Nightingale saw the student and listened the situation, so she decided to help him. The nightingale searched in the garden a red rose, but all were white or yellow. Finally she came to a rose tree near the student's window and asked him if his roses are red, the  rose tree told her that his roses are red but the winter was very cold and could not have roses, although there was a way to get a red rose, the Nightingale should give her life and sing all night with a thorn buried in the heart. The Nightingale accepted and did the sacrifice, in the morning the student saw the rose and ran to the house of the girl with the red rose, but she reject it because the rose did not match with her dress and the student threw the rose to the street disillusioned of the love.
Resultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosaResultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosaResultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosa

Resultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosa

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Imagen relacionada
Resultado de imagen para el ruiseñor y la rosaImagen relacionada
2nd Semester

martes, junio 26, 2018

Do You Still Have Hope

If you can look at the sunset and smile, then you still have hope…
If you can find beauty in the colors of a small flower, then you still have hope…

If you can find pleasure in the movement of a butterfly, then you still have hope…
If the smile of a child can still warm your heart, then you still have hope…

If you can see the good in other people, then you still have hope…
If the rain breaking on a roof top can still lull you to sleep, then you still have hope…

If the sight of a rainbow still makes you stop and stare in wonder,
then you still have hope…

If the soft fur of a favored pet still feels pleasant under your fingertips,
then you still have hope…

If you meet new people with a trace of excitement and optimism,
then you still have hope…

If you give people the benefit of a doubt,
then you still have hope…

If you still offer your hand in friendship to others
that have touched your life, then you still have hope…

If receiving an unexpected card or letter still brings
a pleasant surprise, then you still have hope…

If the suffering of others still fills you with pain and frustration,
then you still have hope…

If you refuse to let a friendship die, or accept that it must end,
then you still have hope…

If you look forward to a time or place of quiet and reflection,
then you still have hope…

If you still buy the ornaments, put up the Christmas tree
or cook the turkey, then you still have hope…

If you still watch love stories or want the endings to be happy,
then you still have hope…

If you can look to the past and smile,
then you still have hope….

If, when faced with the bad, when told everything is futile, you can still look up and end the conversation with the phrase… yeah….BUT.. Then you still have hope…

Hope is such a marvelous thing. It bends, it twists, it sometimes
hides, but rarely does it break… It sustains us when nothing else can… It gives us reason to continue and courage to move ahead, when we tell ourselves we’d rather give in…

Hope puts a smile on our face when the heart cannot manage… Hope puts our feet on the path when our eyes cannot see it… Hope moves us to act when our souls are confused of the direction….

Hope is a wonderful thing, something to be cherished and nurtured, and something that will refresh us in return… And it can be found in each of us, and it can bring light into the darkest of places…
Never lose hope…

Todavía tienes esperanza

Si puedes mirar el atardecer y sonreír, entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...
Si puedes encontrar la belleza en los colores de una pequeña flor, entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si puedes encontrar placer en el movimiento de una mariposa, entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...
Si la sonrisa de un niño todavía puede calentar tu corazón, entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si puedes ver lo bueno en otras personas, entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...
Si la lluvia que se rompe en la azotea todavía puede adormecerte, entonces todavía tienes esperanza...

Si la visión de un arco iris todavía te hace parar y mirar con asombro,
entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si el suave pelaje de una mascota favorita sigue siendo agradable bajo la punta de tus dedos,
entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si conoces gente nueva con un rastro de emoción y optimismo,
entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si le das a la gente el beneficio de una duda,
entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si aún ofreces tu mano en amistad a los demás
que han tocado tu vida, entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si recibir una tarjeta o carta inesperada todavía trae
una agradable sorpresa, entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si el sufrimiento de otros todavía te llena de dolor y frustración,
entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si te niegas a dejar que una amistad muera, o aceptar que debe terminar,
entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si espera un momento o lugar de quietud y reflexión,
entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si todavía compras los adornos, pones el árbol de Navidad
o cocinas el pavo, entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si sigues viendo historias de amor o quieres que las terminaciones sean felices,
entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si puedes mirar al pasado y sonreír,
entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

Si, cuando te enfrentas a lo malo, cuando te dicen que todo es inútil, aún puedes mirar hacia arriba y finalizar la conversación con la frase ... sí ... .Pero ... entonces todavía tienes esperanza ...

La esperanza es algo maravilloso. Se dobla, se retuerce, a veces
se esconde, pero rara vez se rompe ... Nos sostiene cuando nada más puede ... Nos da razones para continuar y valor para seguir adelante, cuando nos decimos a nosotros mismos que preferimos ceder...

La esperanza pone una sonrisa en nuestra cara cuando el corazón no puede ... La esperanza pone nuestros pies en el camino cuando nuestros ojos no pueden verlo ... La esperanza nos mueve a actuar cuando nuestras almas están confundidas en la dirección ...

La esperanza es algo maravilloso, algo que debemos valorar y nutrir, y algo que nos refrescará a cambio ... Y se puede encontrar en cada uno de nosotros, y puede llevar luz a los lugares más oscuros...
Nunca pierdas la esperanza…

Do you like it or not? I like the poem because it encourages me, it says things that make one reflect and I realize that there are things I still do that are named in the poem.

sábado, junio 23, 2018

Arco iris
(Mario Benedetti)
A veces
por supuesto
usted sonríe
y no importa lo linda
o lo fea
lo vieja
o lo joven
lo mucho
o lo poco
que usted realmente

cual si fuese
una revelación
y su sonrisa anula
todas las anteriores
caducan al instante
sus rostros como máscaras
sus ojos duros
como espejos en óvalo
su boca de morder
su mentón de capricho
sus pómulos fragantes
sus párpados
su miedo

y usted nace
asume el mundo
sin mirar

y a lo mejor
si la sonrisa viene
de muy
de muy adentro
usted puede llorar
sin desgarrarse
sin deseperarse
sin convocar la muerte
ni sentirse vacía

sólo llorar

entonces su sonrisa
si todavia existe
se vuelve un arco iris.

of course
you smile
and it doesn’t matter how pretty
or how ugly
how old
or how young
how much
or how little
you really 

You smile
as if it was
a revelation
and your smile cancels
all previous ones 
they instantly expire
their faces like masks
their eyes hard
like oval mirrors
their biteable mouth
their capricious chin
their fragrant temples
their eyelids
their fear

You smile 
and you’re born
takes on the world
not looking

and maybe
if the smile comes 
from very
very deep
you can cry
not tearing apart
not despairing
not invoking death
not feeling empty either

just cry

then your smile 
if it’s still there
becomes a rainbow.

I like this poem because talks about the smile that  shows how a person really is.
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Tus ojos
(Octavio Paz)
Tus ojos son la patria del relámpago y de la lágrima, 
silencio que habla, 
tempestades sin viento, mar sin olas, 
pájaros presos, doradas fieras adormecidas, 
topacios impíos como la verdad, 
o toño en un claro del bosque en donde la luz canta en el hombro de un árbol y son pájaros todas las hojas, 
playa que la mañana encuentra constelada de ojos, 
cesta de frutos de fuego, 
mentira que alimenta, 
espejos de este mundo, puertas del más allá, 
pulsación tranquila del mar a mediodía, 
absoluto que parpadea, 

Your Eyes
Your eyes are the homeland of lightning and of tears,
silence that speaks,
storms without wind, ocean without waves,
caged birds, dormant golden beasts,
topazes as wicked as the truth,
autumn in a clearing of the forest in which the light sings on the shoulder of a tree
and all the leaves are birds,
a seashore that the morning finds starry-eyed,
a fruit basket of fire,
a lie that nurtures,
mirrors of this world, doors of the beyond,
calm pulsation of the sea at midday,
all that twinkles,
drizzling rain.
I like this poem because it talks about how the eyes can tell us more than words, we can communicate with others only with looks
Resultado de imagen para ojos tumblr gif


1: A rhyming word for "leaps" Reaps

2: The homophone for "hear"Here
3: A synonym for "eat"Nourish

4: What happens first in the poem? 
     a. the butterfly flies
     b the caterpillar eats
     c. the chrysalis is formed
     d. the caterpillar creeps

5: What is the silken home?

     a. a flower
     b. a butterfly
     c. the chrysalis
     d. the sculpture

6: How does the speaker of the poem feel about the butterfly? How do you know? 
He is amazed by what the caterpillar does and how it becomes.

viernes, junio 22, 2018

5 Steps to Analyzing a Poem: Messy Room

Step 1:
  • What is the subject of the poem? A person who complains about a messy room
  • Who is speaking? A person
  • Who is the narrator speaking to? To the owner of the room
Step 2:
  • Why was the poet written the poem? Because he wanted to leave a message to people.
  • What is he/ she trying to say? That we tend to see the mistakes of others but not ours.
  • Is it an emotional response to something? It is a response to society, since it tends to judge people.
  • Is it trying to elicit an emotional response? More than an emotional change, look for a change of mentality.
  • Is it portraying a message or opinion on a subject or event? I think it shows a situation where the message is clear and concrete, on a current issue today.
Step 3:
  • What are the different emotions and feelings of the poet? I think he feels that the world is full of people who are dedicated to judging others, and a feeling of sadness and disappointment for the people around us.
  • What is the mood or atmosphere of the poem? An atmosphere of criticism.
  • How has the poet used different poetic techniques to show these attitudes and feelings? The poet uses the different techniques so that the poem goes with a concrete message and easy to understand
Step 4:
  • What are the different poetic techniques the poet has used to show the attitudes and feelings in the poem? The poetic techniques he uses to understand the poem are reticence, apostrophe and chaotic enumeration
  • How has the poet shown these feelings through form and structure? The way he demonstrates it is by describing things that the speaker criticizes and then changing the initial situation for what really happened
  • How has the poet used poetic devices to show these feelings? He has used them in a way that completely changed the meaning of the poem in the last lines, thus demonstrating an emotion of criticism to one of self-criticism
Step 5:
  • How do you feel about the poem? I feel that I should reflect on how I act
  • How well does the poet get the messenger across? It comes implicitly but easily understood.
  • What is the impact of the poem on the reader ? The impact that causes a reflection in the reader as it makes one think about his actions.

Resultado de imagen para habitación desordenada dibujo

sábado, mayo 26, 2018


a) What line or lines of the poem do you like the most and why?
My favorite line is "It’s the fire in my eyes" because the eyes are the window of the soul and you can see in them really how is a person.

b) What is the message the poem is trying to give? Why do you believe so?
The message of the poem is that women love themselves, I think this because all the time it talks about the characteristics and the beauty of each woman

c) Are women "phenomenal"? Explain.
Yes, because we are all different, we are strong and our beauty is in the uniqueness of every woman,that's why I think we're all phenomenal.

martes, mayo 22, 2018


Where the sidewalks ends 
( Shel Silverstein)

There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.

Donde la acera acaba
Hay un lugar, un sito, donde la acera acaba,
donde la calle aún no ha comenzado;
allí la hierba crece blanca y blanda
y allí el sol carmesí brilla y calienta
y allí la luna alada reposa de su vuelo
y se baña en la brisa mentolada.

Larguémonos de aquí, donde el humo es tan negro
y las lúgubres calles nos constriñen.
Lejos de las canteras de las flores de asfalto
con pasos calculados y sin prisa,
que nos guíen las flechas de tiza blanca al sitio
donde la acera acaba. 

Sí; sin prisa y con pasos calculados,
por el camino blanco de las flechas de tiza
que pintaron los niños, porque los niños saben
bien cuál es el lugar donde la acera acaba. 

Resultado de imagen para camino bosque

Tiny Feet
(Gabriela Mistral)

A child's tiny feet, 
Blue, blue with cold, 
How can they see and not protect you? 
Oh, my God! 

Tiny wounded feet, 
Bruised all over by pebbles, 
Abused by snow and soil! 

Man, being blind, ignores 
that where you step, you leave 
A blossom of bright light, 
that where you have placed 
your bleeding little soles 
a redolent tuberose grows. 

Since, however, you walk 
through the streets so straight, 
you are courageous, without fault. 

Child's tiny feet, 
Two suffering little gems, 
How can the people pass, unseeing.

Piecesitos de Niños
Piececitos de niño,
azulosos de frío,
¡cómo os ven y no os cubren,
Dios mío!

¡Piececitos heridos
por los guijarros todos,
ultrajados de nieves
y lodos!

El hombre ciego ignora
que por donde pasáis,
una flor de luz viva

que allí donde ponéis
la plantita sangrante,
el nardo nace más

Sed, puesto que marcháis
por los caminos rectos,
heroicos como sois

Piececitos de niño,
dos joyitas sufrientes,
¡cómo pasan sin veros
las gentes!

Resultado de imagen para pies de niños

Maya Angelou's Biography

Resultado de imagen para maya angelou
Marguerite Annie Johnson Angelou (April 4, 1928 to May 28, 2014), known as Maya Angelou, was an American author, actress, screenwriter, dancer, poet and civil rights activist best known for her 1969 memoir, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, which made literary history as the first nonfiction best-seller by an African-American woman. Angelou received several honors throughout her career, including two NAACP Image Awards in the outstanding literary work (nonfiction) category, in 2005 and 2009. 

Phenomenal Women

Phenomenal Woman

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size   
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,   
The stride of my step,   
The curl of my lips.   
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,   
That’s me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,   
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.   
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.   
I say,
It’s the fire in my eyes,   
And the flash of my teeth,   
The swing in my waist,   
And the joy in my feet.   
I’m a woman

Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Men themselves have wondered   
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can’t touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,   
They say they still can’t see.   
I say,
It’s in the arch of my back,   
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.   
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.   
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,   
The bend of my hair,   
the palm of my hand,   
The need for my care.   
’Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Mujer fenomenal.
Las mujeres hermosas se preguntan dónde radica mi secreto.
No soy linda o nacida para vestir una talla de modelo,
Pero cuando empiezo a decírcelos todas creen que miento
Y digo,
Está en el largo de mis brazos,
En el espacio de mis caderas,
En la cadencia de mi andar,
En la curva de mis labios.
Soy una mujer,
Mujer fenomenal,
Esa soy yo.

Ingreso a cualquier lugar tan tranquila como es posible,
Y en cuanto al hombre,
Los tipos se ponen de pie o caen de rodillas.
Luego revolotean a mi alrededor,
Una colmena de abejas melíferas.
Y digo,
Es el fuego de mis ojos,
Y el brillo de mis dientes,
El movimiento de mi cadera,
Y la alegría de mis pies.
Soy una mujer,
Mujer fenomenal,
Esa soy yo.

Incluso los hombres se preguntan qué ven en mí.
Se esfuerzan pero no pueden rozar
Mi misterio interior.
Cuando intento mostrárselos
Dicen que no logran verlo
Y digo,
Está en la curvatura de mi espalda,
El sol de mi sonrisa,
El porte de mis pechos,
La gracia de mi estilo.
Soy una mujer
Mujer fenomenal,
Esa soy yo.

Ahora comprendes
Por qué mi cabeza no se inclina.
No grito ni ando a los saltos
No tengo que hablar muy alto.
Cuando me veas pasar
Deberías sentirte orgullosa.
Y digo,
Está en el sonido de mis talones,
Las ondas de mi cabello,
La palma de mi mano,
La necesidad de mi cariño,
Por que soy una mujer.
Mujer fenomenal,
Esa soy yo.

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